
Following on from yesterday’s song about September, here’s U2’s October from the 1981 album of the same name. Bono said of this song:

‘October’…it’s an image. We’ve been through the 60s, a time when things were in full bloom. We had fridges and cars, we sent people to the moon and everyone thought how great mankind was. And now, as we go through the 70s and 80s, it’s a colder time of the year. It’s after the harvest. Trees are stripped bare. You can see things and we finally realize that maybe we aren’t so smart after all, now that there’s millions of unemployed people, now that we used the technology we’ve been blessed with to build bombs for war machines, to build rockets, whatever. So ‘October’ is an ominous word, but it’s also quite lyrical.”

I hope you enjoy my performance – it’s certainly a bit different from the vast majority of songs I’ve played this year!

If it’s your first time on the site, find out why I’m playing one song a day for the whole of 2015 or see all of my September songs here.
