
It’s 13th December today, St Lucia’s Day, and I thought it would be appropriate to play something Swedish given that this is such an important celebration in the run-up to Christmas. Vinterhamn, written by Björn Ulvæus and Benny Andersson, and performed perfectly by the wonderful Helen Sjöholm at the televised Luciamorgon service in 2012 from Uppsala cathedral, is a spiritual winter song, referring to Vinterhamn, the winter harbour. Whether it’s physical or on a more spiritual level, the winter harbour gives strength and protection, and peace of mind.

Här kan jag hämta styrka
Du ger mig skydd och sinnesfrid.
När snön sakta faller
Då kommer julen till mitt hus.

Happy Lucia day to all my Swedish friends! If it’s your first time on the site, find out more about the 365 Songs project. For more Christmaciousness, see all of my December songs here.