C’était Toi (You Were The One)

Today I’m playing C’était Toi, a Billy Joel track from the album Glass Houses. I’m not sure how well known it is, but I like it, and I believe it’s the only Billy Joel song recorded in French! I hope you enjoy this one.

The random fact about today’s song is that it was my first exposure to the French subjunctive: I first got into Billy Joel probably in 1st or 2nd year at secondary school and I remember trying to translate the French chorus. The part that stumped me was je sais qu’il n’y a personne, personne qui puisse me sauver, tu étais la seule – “I know there’s no-one, no-one who can save me, you were the only one”. I remember asking my French teacher to explain where the puisse came from. Maybe that has something to do with what I’m doing now! It’s all because of Billy…

If you’re looking for more Billy Joel tunes, click here. To hear all of my June songs, click here. If it’s your first time on the site, find out more about why I’m trying to record a piano tune every day here.
