Kyrie from the Misa Campesina

Today I’m playing another piece from the Misa Campesina, the Kyrie. Like the other parts of the Misa Campesina, this song combines the normal parts of the mass with ideas of liberation theology which can be seen from the lyrics:

Cristo, Cristo Jesús,
identifícate con nosotros
Christ, Christ Jesus,
identify with us
Señor, Señor mi diós,
identifícate con nosotros
Lord, Lord my God,
identify with us
Cristo, Cristo Jesús, solidarízate
Christ, Christ Jesus, build solidarity
No con la clase opresora
que exprime y devora la comunidad
Not with the opressors
who squeeze and devour the community
Sino con el oprimido,
con el pueblo mío sediento de paz
Rather with the oppressed,
with my people, thirsting for peace

I hope you enjoy another piece from the Misa Campesina. Here are two other versions of this song: a more traditional one and a pop version which was the version I first heard. Both are quite different from my piano version!

My Misa Campesina recordings can be found here. To hear all of my June songs, click here. If it’s your first time on the site, find out more about why I’m trying to record a piano tune every day here.